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They arrived as a murder to the Scribe's Tower - many messengers with mixed news this day:

"Upon the Edges of the Abyss, remnants of the Brotherhood continue to fight valiantly under the Kingdoms of Men banner, but losses here has seen control of the region swing to the evil of the world."

"Continued stalwart Dwarf victories have brought Rhyn Dufaris firmly under Dwarfen control for the first time since the war began. Golloch will be pleased."

"The Twilight Glades continue to suffer from evil control, but it has been reduced. The messengers carry word that Nature and Elven armies have driven back seperate large Orc assaults recently."

"To the north of the library, on the plains of Ardovikia the Forces of Good have what looks like an unassailable control of the region. Strong Salamander wins here have consolidated the region and it is doubted if the Forces of Evil could hope to achieve anything here, bar harry the fringes of the Good."

"And lastly we have been brought fell news from Galahir - losses here by other armies including the Herd have seen this once peaceful land come under Narrow Evil Control. The edges of the forest are said to burn!"

"In the context of the world, we once again hang in the balance - the struggle continues and Mantica is under..."





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